Post UTME Screening Exercise 2012/2013

Read each passage and carefully answer the question that follows
Passage I
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that pail, do you forget that this is the moon for planting? Do you wants to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have traveled in Olu and I have traveled in Igbo, and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come, where suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, lie tells you not worry because he has brought the legs. I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abarne.

Then I knew there was no escape. As daylight chases away darkness, so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by our ears but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach about every eight day.
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seeds of foolishness which they called their new religion.

We talking about the white man’s road: said voids above the others. Yes we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in. the ceiling is not left standing, the white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a matchet, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone.
1.      The dominant subject of this passage is the: A. White man’s road B. New religion C. White’s man influence D. White’s man weapon
2.      According to the passage, the people of Umuaro and Okpeti A. are friends B. are only acquaintances C. are no friends D. can never he enemies
3.      There is no escape front the white man in the passage means that: A white man will send the people prison B. White man can kill all the people with his gun C. People are only trying to run away from the white man D. People must accept the white man
4.      Passes by your ears’ in the passage means A. Piercing through your ears B. Listening eagerly C Making no impression D. accepting as truth
5.      Unachukwu’s speech in this passage shows that he A. is a coward B. Wants his people to suffer C. loves the white man D. is wise with experience

Passage II
Manager: Mr. Mhu. not describe you as an inefficient worker: I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy. Inspite of the fact that I reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Manager: Sir, I do see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner is a six-footer and I could not have intimated him physically.
Manager: I see, I wait your formal complain against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy place in an untidy conference room.
6.      The relationship between the manager and his secretary, as revealed in the passage, could be said to be A. strained B. Charged C. personal D. cordial
7.      I would not describe you as an inefficient worker....... suggests that the manager A. is quite pleased with the level of diligence of his secretary B. Has had cause in the past to complain against his secretary C. is dissatisfied with the level of performance of his secretary D. is non-committal over the efficiency of his secretary.
8.      It would appear that the manager feels that the secretary ………
A. should have, if possible personally cleaned the conference room. B. should have ensured that someone else cleaned the conference room C. should have ensured that the cleaner did his job D. is a coward.
9.      The secretary’s attitude seems to be …….. A. manager Sir, you employed this huge and recalcitrant cleaner and I am not going to do his job for him B. it is not the duty of a secretary to enforce the instructions he gives to his junior worker. C. I am a secretary by profession not cleaner D. it is not terrible important how tidy the conference room is for themselves.
10.    The last comment by the manager suggests that he …… A. is going to hold the secretary responsible for what has happened B. Is likely to reprimand both the secretary and the cleaner for dereliction ditty C. will punish the cleaner but warm the secretary D. will warm the cleaner but punish the secretary

Passage III
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food than as a source of light. Before the discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it and when lie went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him

His discovery that the firebrand, from which the tough may well have developed, could be used for illumination was probable incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.

Lamps too, probable developed by accident. Early man may have has his first concept of lamp while watching a twig or fiber burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting carcass.

All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float read in it. Such lamps, which were made of hollowed stones or identical form up to quite recent times.
11.    According to the passage, the torch probable developed from a …….... A. firebrands B. twig C. Lamp D. Fire
12.    Primitive man was least concerned with fire as a ……. A. means of cooking B. source of warmth C. sources of light D. means of traveling
13.    One way early man made a lamp was putting a lighted reed in a ……... A. hollowed stone B. sea shell C. vessel D. means of traveling.
14.    Primitive man preserved fire because ………. A. he used it for illumination during his travels B. his method of making fire wad laborious C. he wanted to discover how to make a lamp D. he wanted to develop the torch
In question 15-40, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gaps
15.    I was ……… Hearing distances of the speaker A. on B. at C. within D. in
16.    Peter was such a skillful boxer that he was not afraid to take ….. Anybody A. to B. upon C. on D. in
17.    Owing to the constant harassment of the populace by armed robbers, all night guard have been moving things A. at sight B. by sight C. in sight D. off sight
18.    My wife and I were to celebrate our silver wedding anniversary last Sunday, unfortunately on that ……… Day, my father in-law died mysteriously A. fruitless B. faithful C. futile D. fateful
19     The first graduation ceremony of the university was attended by men from all ……… of life A. works B. areas C. walks D. parts
20.    ……… guests enjoyed Joy’s birthday party A. the whole B. all the C. every D. those every
21.    One would wish ………. missed that opportunity to be present at the graduation hail A. to have not B. for having not C. to having D. not to have
22.    The ceremony was rounded …….. very late. A. up B. off C. of D. out
23.    My ……... Brother intends to get married in December. A. senior B. elder C. older D. older
24.    The ……… Affairs officer is expecting all of us in the dinning room. A. student B. student’s C. students D. students’
25.    Many candidates ……… to realize the difference between wiitten and spoken English A. fails B. fail C. have failed D. is failing
26.    Chinyere has not really described the cabinet as irresponsible. She only ………. it in her speech A. alluded to B. implied C. applied D. suggested
27.    …….. at 9.30 for more news said the announcer A. switch on B. fine in C. hook on D. channel in
28.    The way that hid boy bullied his sister with relish makes me think he could be a …….. A. bully B. sadist C. pugist D. tyrant
29.    All ……... well with Peter A. are not B. have not been C. were not D. is not
30.    Ore ………. so if she had thought it necessary A. would have said B. would say C. may have said D. could say
31.    We have gone quarters of the journey already: we ……… as well see the end of it A. can B. might C. could D. may
32.    My little daughter has sight: hence, she now wears glasses
A. diminutive B. blurred C. painful D. defective
33.    Bassey’s evidence led ………. Okon being imprisoned for life A. at B. into C. in D. to
34.    My boss is usually a charming man but ….….. he can very irritable A. at times B. a times C. those times D. with times
35.    We surely ought to have an ……… arrangement in case somebody discover the present already A. alternate B. alternating C. alternative D. alternant
36.    The nurse kept apologizing to mothers as she stuck her needle ……… Every baby at the clinic A. in B. onto C. unto D. into
37.    One of the ladies who in the premises ……… As been asked to withdraw A. sell/have B. sell/have C. sells/has D. sell/has
38.    A late of two Cities …….. The ……… we are studying for examination A. are/novels B. was/novels C. were/novel D, is/novel
39.    We must not take with us the feelings of inadequacy ………. Experienced during our preparations for the debate. A that were B. those were C. that was D. that is
40.    Omogbai report that the examinations ………. be he arrived in the hall. A. started B. have started C. had started D. are started

41.    Which of the following is the youngest plant tissue? A. meristem B. phloem C. epidermis D. xylem
42.    Viruses differ from all form of life because they …….. A. have a tick cell wall B. feed on waste products of other organisms C. cause infectious diseases D. require other living cells to multiply
43.    The endoplasm cells found in hydra are used for A. reproduction B. offense and defense C. locomotion and nutrition D. food collection
44.    Annelids differ from nematodes in that they ………. A. exhibit bilateral symmetry B. triploblastic C. are metamerically segmented D. possess complete digestive system.
45.    Which of the following perform similar functions? A. ascospores and ascocarp B. antherziods and rhizoids C. sorus and induism D. strobili and inflorescence
46.    In ferns, the sporophyte ………. A. develops from a haploid zygote B. produce spores C. is haploid and dependent on the gametophyre D. is haploid and independent of the gametophyte
47.    The group of insects that undergoes metamorphosis is ………. A. house flies, beetles and cockroaches B. cockroaches, grasshopper and bees C. house flies, beetle and butterflies D. aphids. grasshoppers and butterflies.
48.    The nitrogenous substance that excreted by birds in order to conserve water is ……… A. ammonia B. urea C. uric acid D. nitric acid
49.    In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occurs in the ……… A. lymph B. lungs C. heart D. liver
50.    The part of the stomach nearer the gullet is called the …....
A. epiglottis B. cardiac sphincter C. duodenum D. pyloric sphincter.
51.    Trace elements are required by plants mainly for the ………
A. formation of pigments and enzymes B. product of energy and hormones C. manufacture of carbohydrates D. manufacture of proteins
52.    A food substance was treated with a few drops of Sudan iii solution and a red coloration was obtained. The food contained is ……….. A. protein B. starch C. fat D. mineral salt.
53.    Oozing out of water from leaves of plants in humid environment is known as …….. A. transpiration B. osmosis C. pinocytosis D. guttation
54.    The element that is essential for the coagulation of blood is ………. A. potassium B. calcium C. phosphorus D. iron
55.    Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration by the production of …….. A. less amount of energy and water B. greater amount of energy and alcohol C. less amount of energy amid alcohol D. greater amount of energy and water
56.    Stomach pores open when there is ……… A. an increase in the sugar content of guard cells B. a decrease in the osmotic concentration of guard cells C. a decrease in the sugar content of mesophill cells D.
57.    The process of deamination is essential for the ………. A. digestion of protein B. secretion of bile C. formation of urea D. formation of antibody
58.    A band of connective tissue liking two bones in a joint is known as …..... A. tendon B. cartilage C. synovial membrane D. ligament
59.    The appendicular skeleton is composed of the pectoral girdle A. pelvic, fore and hind limbs B. pelvc, girdle amid fore limbs C. lumbar vertebrae and pelvic girdle D. lumber vertebrae, fore and hind limbs

60.    The companion cells are pail of the A. pericycle B. phloem C. pith D. xylem


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